Oppo BDP-95 Versus Bel Canto DAC 3.5

I am interested to hear opinions from those who have heard both.

I look forward to your comments.

I haven't heard these, but I would think other readers would find helpful if you described what would be feeding the DAC 3.5, so they can provide better feedback.

You do know the BDP-95 has no digital inputs, right? I ask because I was once interested in this, but then realized that was not a feature in the 95. Too bad, it would be an even better buy with that feature!
Lewinskih01: "You do know the BDP-95 has no digital inputs, right?"

Wrong. The '95 has a USB port on the front panel and on the back, plus an e-SATA port on the back. I'll send images of the '95's manual pages which address use of these to anyone who asks...at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net.
Thanks for your inputs.

I currently have the Oppo which is a great product and one of the best values in highend. I was wandering if I would realize a significant sonic upgrade with the DAC 3.5.

I was aware that the Oppo does not have a digital input. I have used the usb input for music from a flash drive. It sounds good however, I think the user interface could be improved.

As far as what would be feeding the DAC 3.5, it would be either the Oppo thru SPDIF or a Mac Mini USB (configured wtih Pure Misic)--> Empirical Audio Off-Ramp USB Converter.
