Oppo BDP-95 Versus Bel Canto DAC 3.5

I am interested to hear opinions from those who have heard both.

I look forward to your comments.

BTW I am using the DAC3.5VB with the VBS1 power supply and the VB REF cables and I found it still sounds better with good power, courtesy of a Sound Application RLS240 and ASI Liveline power cords.
Thanks. Out of curiosity, did you compare the performance between lns1 and the vbs1? Did the Ref cable make a significant difference over the standard cable? It sounds like you have an extremely resolving system. Are you using the dac direct to amp? What type of speakers do you use?


I had the LNS1 for a while. Then I got the CD2 so it made sense to buy the VBS1 which could power both the DAC and the CD2.

I didn't think the improvements to the VBS1 and VB REF cables were day and night differences. It's quite subtle But then, I use a PurePower battery regenerator and a good conditioner so I am not sure if those have a bigger contributory effect.

When I had the DAC3.5 (mkI), I found that the soundstage was a bit flat and going through the Pre3 improved the depth and height of the soundstage.

After upgrading to the Mk II, I actually found the Pre3 seemed to have masked the improved details so I prefer running it direct, at the expense of soundstage expansiveness.

But I don't have any adverse effects using it with the ARC Reference 5SE to get the benefit of the upgrade and the soundstage.

At the moment, the Bel Canto isn't getting its due because I have run out of space of my main racks so I have had to stack them up on an IKEA shelf which I don't think is doing it enough justice :(
Doggiehowser, thanks for taking the time to thoroughly answer all my questions. You were very helpful.

Just one final question: How does the Oppo compare to the Bel Canto CD2 as a transport?

I hope to one day own a great system like yours. Keep enjoying this great hobby of ours.

Thank you.
