DAC/Pre's Digital attenuation vs. analog


I'm trying to decide whether to buy a W4S DAC2 and use the digital preamp, or to get the DAC1 with a separate component preamp (such as a Bryston BP25). I don't care all that much about the cost; just performance.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of going either way?

(I'm also considering a Benchmark HDR or USB).
Audiofreak32 - In stating several times that you recommend the W4SDAC2 - you finally admit that YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD THE BENCHMARK DAC1!

And, further, you contradict your own statements in which you strongly state that "I am sick and tired of all this talk about what sounds better...I prefer to try it and determine for myself."

Really? I therefore recommend you follow your own advice and listen to the DAC1 in a good system and then decide.

I have heard BOTH and prefer the Benchmark DAC1, as have others.

I'm tired of vocal naysayers who diss something without even hearing it, esp. re the DAC1.

I find it interesting you prefer digital attenuation with its lack of detail over analog attenuation with its high compression. I would guessed the analog attenuation would be preferable. I assume you mean down to just -9db or even lower?

From my own experimenting with my V-DAC II *I think* I prefer cutting back my amp's gain vs. foobar's. It's something I will have to experiment with, but I plan on getting all new equipment in the next few months anyways.

Maybe your Off-Ramp 5 with a benchmark will work for me?

I said that I have been told that the W4S DAC-2 sounds better than the Benchmark units. Correct, I have not owned the Benchmark unit. I am sorry if you own the Benchmark unit... you are missing out.
"I find it interesting you prefer digital attenuation with its lack of detail over analog attenuation with its high compression. I would guessed the analog attenuation would be preferable. I assume you mean down to just -9db or even lower?"

Correct, certainly no more than -12dB.

"Maybe your Off-Ramp 5 with a benchmark will work for me?"

It will certainly improve on the Benchmark. I modded them for almost 10 years, but stopped in 2009. For the same money you could have Metrum Octave. I have a few customers that use this combo with great results.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
hi steve:

the zanden which was used in the comparison with the spoiler, was the latest zanden dac, not the original. having heard both, i can say that i don't like the latest zanden dac. it doesn't sound like it has a tube in it when mated with the zanden transport.

so, there are two variables here, the version of the sanden dac and the transport. perhaps there is a better transport for the zanden dac.

it is virtually impossible to compare dacs, because of the interaction with the transport. i wasn't sure if the spoiler was mated with the zanden transport.

one is really comparing a dac/transport combination with another. there are 4 variables.

one cannot conclude the superiority of one dac or another, definitively, unless one can mate it with every transport--impossible.

one can, inductively have confidence if one samples many transports, using two dacs. also, is there not the issue of the digital interface , another variable ??

i think it is pointless to compare dacs, unless one can construct a valid experimental design.

by the way, there are problems comparing components, in general, because of interactions with other components. there are many variables and it is almost impossible to isolate the contribution of each one.

all you can do is specify the variables and let your ears decide which you prefer.

certainly there are mismatches between amps and preamps, and i would conjecture that there are mismatches between dacs and transports.

the fact that a company fabricates a dac and transport does not ensure the combination is optimal