Processor DACs

I am shopping for a new Processor. I’ll probably get an Integra DHC 80.3, so I am curious if anyone has ever compared the onboard DAC of their processor to an established benchmark DAC such as a W4S DAC-2. Since my music server has USB outs, it would require purchasing a USB to S/PDIF converter (such as the Anedio U2) to hook up the processor to the server. Before spending the money on a converter, I am wondering if people have tried this out, and what their experience with it is. It seems that most mainstream processors have solid DACs to do all the Dolby Digital conversion, so wouldn’t it make sense that they should perform excellent as a standalone DAC? I would appreciate your thoughts and experience.
Mateored, I am looking forward to seeing how you make out. It should be a good comparison.
Cdj123 - you're going to have to keep waiting. I just sent the Dacmagic back and ordered a Wadia 121. I'll report back eventually.
Well, I got the Wadia a couple of days ago. So far, I've only listened to it in my office system (described in detail in another thread). I want to bring it home to try out as mentioned above to compare it to the DACs in the Anthem processor. However, I'm not sure what to do about my subwoofer. My understanding is that if I put the processor in "Analog Direct" mode in order to prevent the Anthem from converting analog to digital and processing the signal internally, I won't get any subwoofer output. I would have to re-wire the sub directly to the external DAC or one of the line-level outs of my power amp. This would result in a poor comparison test. It also makes the possibility of using an upgraded external DAC just for 2-channel impractical for everyday use.

Mateored, you may have reached the flatter part of the cost-vs-improvement curve.
Maybe the only comparison between Wadia/Anthem DACs you can make is in true 2-channel mode; turn off your sub and your surrounds, and make sure the two fronts are crossed over below the bottom end of their frequency response.
Another possibility is to purchase a 2-channel pre-amp that also has bass management in the analog domain. Anthem has a great pre-amp that does this, the TLP-1, but this option adds another unit in the signal path and really wouldn't be an apples-to-apples comparison of DACs...unless you used a line-level analog connection from your receiver into the TLP-1...
This is one of the more interesting threads ive read in a long time. Also has a lot of info with argument. Lots of good points. Ill as one possible solution, although cost is a factor. The new bryston processor supposedly has a state of the art pre amp as well. Its a fortune but if money is no object may it could compete.

I for one am focusing on the lowly onkyo 5508-for mixed two channel-5. 1 use. Wish there were more choices in pre pros at this price level but its a bit of niche market with most consumers going with avrs.