Squeezebox Touch simple 24/192 output mod

A call to all owners of the Squeezebox Touch. You can now install a simple third party app ("Enhanced Digital Output") developed by Triode that allows your Touch to output true 24/192 to your DAC via USB or Coax SPDIF. You need the latest updated Media Server 7.2 installed first. It installs a linux kernal that enables the high res digital output and disables the analog outputs (which you don't need if using a DAC anyway). I installed in a few minutes and can attest that it does improve the overall sound quality. My Bel Canto DAC3 is an earlier model that is capable up to 24/176.4 input and I successfully passed a file of that size and it sounds great. Many others who have 24/192 capability have successfully passed files of that quality as well as long as their processors can handle that input. Logitech is not officially supporting this app, but it really lets your Touch shine and handle the high res files. Apparently the Touch has had this capability all along but has not been unleashed yet. Please share your experiences and get the word out. The Touch will be an even better value than it is now. Enjoy!

For more info go to http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?94512-Announce-Enhanced-Digital-Output-app-USB-Dac-and-192k-Digital-Ouput

You might have seen this already, but in case you haven't. You might find it useful: http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=98511.0

I found it interesting.

Please keep us posted as soon as you get a grasp on the Welborne Power Supply. I have a Squeezebox Duet and have been thinking about this PS. I have read that it really only affects the analog section and I am not using the analog outs, just the digital output, into the EE MiniMax DAC. I'd like to hear your thoughts once you get it.
I only use the digital out (SBT) as well, so we'll see how it (Welborne PS) fairs. Nice Audiocircle review, however.

Has anyone become familiar with the term Software Jitter? The main culprit appears to be power supplies used with playback sources. At least, I read a short article in the latest P.S. Audio Newsletter.

Anyway, I will be happy to lose the wall-wart.

Have you gotten the Welborne Power Supply yet? If so, did it improve the SBT?

It just arrived, and I have to build it as I purchased the kit! I will get back with my impressions when built and burned in.