dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter

Just talked with the dCS ppl during the show in Munich, and learned that dCS is about to launch two reference USB to SPDIF converters / clocks.

They will be vey much like their Puccini U-Clock, but will be based on Scarlatti and Paganini clocks. They will both do 24/192 and DSD over USB, and will be run from the dual crystal oscilators calibrated to 0.1ppm precision.

(regular VCXO that you can see in most if not all USB/SPDIF converters are calibrated to 10-20ppm).

The Scarlatti and Puccini U-Clocks will come with both SPDIF RCA and AES/EBU outputs, plus the host regular of BNC clock outs.

Current Scarlatti and Paganini clocks can be factory upgraded to the latest U-Clock status.

Forgot to ask about the prices, but since the Scarlatti clock is now $14k or thereabouts, the new model will be even more expensive.
Forgot to post the link to the BR / SACD set:

Elberoth, maybe I should ask, is the clock performance the same as the current scarlatti/paganini? So just adding hi rez via usb?
How do you get DSD output from a SPDIF connection? Will that only work with dCS gear?
Jfrech - yes. This is the same clock with an extra USB module added inside. You can upgrade yours to the full U-Clock status, but that will probably require the clock to be sent to dCS factory for upgrade - the job requires fitting the new back panel, software and USB input board.

The DAC will also need an upgrade to learn to recognise DSD over USB encoded files, but that will be done simply by playing an update CD.

Doggiehowser - dCS, who are super clever people and constantly pushing the envelope, found a ingenious method of packing pure DSD data so that any DAC capable of accepting 24/176.4 data can be modified to accept this pure DSD data.

You can learn more about it here:
I will say the clock is a big deal, are you still running the dac alone?

Yes, I knew the update of some sort is comming, so decided to wait till the dust setles down. I'm glad I did.

My final setup will be a music server with USB audio out, Scarlatti U-Clock and Scarlatti DAC.

I would love to have the Scarlatti SACD transport and upsampler as you do if only to play SACDs, but unfortunately, cannot afford the full Scarlatti stack so had to ratinalize.