Bad CDP but good transport?

Are there any bad CDP that actually are good transports? What is it to look for in a good transport?
Syntax, is that the XDS1 you have?
Somehow the XDS1 coaxes some magic out of disks I thought were so hideously mastered I almost tossed them (but the hoarder in me made me hold on to them). The XDS1 has a Midas touch and spins them into gold.
Hello Rgs92,
I am down to basic :-), I use their cheap model, CDSA-SE. I choose it because it sounds very good with regular CD's (it is ok with SACD, too), but in a way I think, the best sounding Mass market CD's were made in the area of 1985-1995 (plus/minus a few years). IMO of course.