Here's an update to this post. I built an XLR cable with DHLabs D-110 AES/EBU digital cable and Neutrik XLR connectors, about 1.5 ft long.
First version of the cable had the shield drain wire connected to pin 1 at BOTH ends of the cable, as in standard analog practice.
I connected the PSA PWT to the Bryston BDA-1 with the AES/EBU cable and compared it to the two units connected with a 75 OHM coax cable. Results were close, but I actually preferred sound of the coax cable.
However, the best results were obtained when I lifted the connection of the shield drain wire at the XLR on the Bryston side of the connection. So in this configuration, the shield is grounded at the PWT side only.
The sonic differences were not subtle, with the modified cable giving the best ambience, 3d sounstaging, bass response, and transient attack. I was very surprised myself to find such a large difference.
First version of the cable had the shield drain wire connected to pin 1 at BOTH ends of the cable, as in standard analog practice.
I connected the PSA PWT to the Bryston BDA-1 with the AES/EBU cable and compared it to the two units connected with a 75 OHM coax cable. Results were close, but I actually preferred sound of the coax cable.
However, the best results were obtained when I lifted the connection of the shield drain wire at the XLR on the Bryston side of the connection. So in this configuration, the shield is grounded at the PWT side only.
The sonic differences were not subtle, with the modified cable giving the best ambience, 3d sounstaging, bass response, and transient attack. I was very surprised myself to find such a large difference.