How many still listen to CD's daily.

Just a pole to see how many folks still listen to CD's on a regular basis, and if so how often?
I listen every weekend, mostly all weekend, beginning Friday evenings. Squeezebox is regular background music when distracted; CDs are played every day; Vinyl is the real treat and is also played every day. I can't explain why, but I always feel better if the last session is done with vinyl, late into the evening, just before bed. Very satisfying.
CD every day, vinyl every week. Also lucky to have good NPR music station, so tuner every day too.
98%...Streaming...50/50 Pandora and my hard drive
1%....CD's........I own over 1,000 cd's
1%....Vinyl.......I own over 3,000 LP's

As you can see, I rarely use any original discs. But, I
will never get rid of my cd's or vinyl....just in case.