Esoteric owners - SA-50 to ?

I'm curious as to what other previous SA-50 owners went to in upgrading their player. I'm a current owner of a SA-50 and have been looking to upgrade. Is the K-05 worth the move up or is another player in line all together? Thank you in advance for your input and recommendations.
I recently started shopping for a replacement for my DV-50, and had a chance to compare an Esoteric X-05 and Marantz SA-7S1. (I figured they were proxies for the newer models coming out.) To my surprise, as I always enjoyed my DV-50, I liked the Marantz much more. It was substantially better at all the little things that make music more engaging: better reproduction of instrument timber, better microdynamics, better disentangling of instrumental lines, especially in complex passages, and so forth. The X-05 sounded very nice, closer to what I was used to (no doubt better than the DV-50 but hard to compare since it was an entirely different system) - but the music just didn't hold my attention in the same way. I got a good deal on the 7S1 as a demo, with warranty, and I bought it. No regrets at all. YMMV, but I'd say it is worth listening to alternatives to Esoteric to see what you think.
Do you folks know if the Esoteric X-05 has a discrete component analog output stage (or is it integrated circuits)?