Playback mpd3

I Have a problem with my playback mpd 3. Recently i noted that of i stop the playing i hear clearly and consistentely a rustling which increase when I raise the volume. This rustling in my opinion is very high ad sometimes i hear that which seems radio noise. Is it normal ? I ask to owners of playback dac.
I use an ampli,and a pre air tight but they are very quite
MPD3 user here and mine is dead quiet, connected to a Nagra 300i using Cardas Clear series cables.

If you turn it off and then on does the rustling remain? Is it coming from both channels? What source are you feeding to the MPD3? Computer or transport? Does the noise remain with the source turned off? What you are experiencing is not normal nor indicative. Have you checked with Playback Designs? I have never had an issue.

Good luck.
thanks Ghasley

1 with the mac on the noise is always present.

2 is comes from both channels.

3 dac if I turn off the noise is not present

4 I am trying to contact the playback, but for the moment no answer.

I own an MPD3 and have occasionally noticed the problem you mentioned but only very intermittently - simply restarting the Mac fixes it.

To my ears this is a very noisy DAC anyway. I usually direct connect DAC's but this DAC is so noisy I found it needs a pre-amp to reduce the noise - using a pre-amp the noise is OK but without it is a bit annoying.

I wouldn't bother contacting Playback Designs. They provide the worse after sales service of any company I have ever come across. I lent my DAC to a friend who had trouble downloading drivers - it turned out there was a problem with the website but we didn't know that at the time. My friend contacted the Australian distributor. What was the reply - why do you want the drivers - is this your DAC - a litany of irrelevant questions and no answer - my friend felt like he was getting the third degree simply for wanting to listen to the DAC. Rather than simply giving the information they even contacted an acquaintance of both of us. My friend is well known in the industry here in Aus and they knew he was associated with our mutual acquaintance - the fact he had nothing to do with me lending it was irrelevant as far as they were concerned - it was more important to give both of them the third degree about why they wanted to get the drivers - pathetic. When I found out about it I personally contacted Playback Designs - not even a reply. The issue with the site was fixed in a week but that was too late for my friend who never was able hear the DAC. Considering the price of the product IMHO this is disgraceful and I will never get another product from this mob again.

A couple of other things to check. Check with your amp/preamp what the maximum input voltage allowed for the input you are utilizing. While I have not measured the output of the MPD3, my Nagra has 3 inputs that allow up to 2v while the 4th input allows up to 4v. I am connected to input 4. In other words the MPD3 may be a bit hot for your input as I am almost certain that if your amp/pre have a hard 2v ceiling then you will clip often, unless you have the volume from the computer mitigating it. Unlikely but a possibility of your problem. Make sure you are getting good power and properly isolating your components from one another, where appropriate. Good cabling between the pc and the dac is important as well.

Bhobba - no offense intended but since the MPD3 has no volume control it comes as no surprise that when you connected it directly to an amplifier that it probably did sound bad. If you were using your computer as the volume control then I am further convinced that the noise you describe is elswhere in your system.