Playback mpd3

I Have a problem with my playback mpd 3. Recently i noted that of i stop the playing i hear clearly and consistentely a rustling which increase when I raise the volume. This rustling in my opinion is very high ad sometimes i hear that which seems radio noise. Is it normal ? I ask to owners of playback dac.
I use an ampli,and a pre air tight but they are very quite
I think it's time to get back in the discussion of noise sel ', MPD3 ...... I was wondering if any of you who kindly poseddesse the dac, has tried if the noise actually .... I would like to know if there is a problem only my DAC ..... repeat the sound you hear with the DAC paused and raising the volume.

Sorry for my English.
I remember thinking that the MPD3 I loaned had a fair bit of noise using RCA outputs but it was dead quiet on the XLR.

Are you using RCA?
I have been experimenting a bit with mine and the noise issue. I have found you can hear a rustling sound quite distinctly while playing with one of my amps that has a very high bandwidth - 10mhz.

This is different to the intermittent issue I had previously which was literally like a radio station coming out of the speakers.

My suspicion is its to do with the lack of a filter on the output of the DAC and the very high bandwidth of this particular amp.

I have the MPD3 PB DAC and use it with a Lenovo Laptop and JR17 software. It is outstanding in my system...I use the Passlabs XP20 Pre and the X250 am playing thru a pair of Aerial Acoustics 10t's. I use a Sony XA9000es into the coax input of the MPD3 if I am in the mood to actually play a redbook disc and have the XP20 setup to play the Sony direct for SACD disc's if I wish to play them as well. It just sounds great...I am most inpressed with the redbook files played off the computer I must say even over the SACD DSD files as far as improvement over playing the discs themselves. In my system you can't go wrong with the PB MPD3 with an inexpensive laptop sending the USB data to it...