should I notice the upsampling?

Pretty new to higher fi than big box store(i worked at soundtrabck, here in Colorado 14 years ago.) Last week I bought a NAD C370 amp on craigslist, and today I bought a musical fidelity tri-vista dac. I tried the upconversion button on the rear of the unit and I don't notice a difference. What should I hear? Also, the feet on mine don't light up, but all the lights on the front panel do. Anyone had the problem and know the fix? Thanks
Upsampling should make for noticeably smoother sounding highs for the most part and it may also help some with imaging and/or soundstaging. Sometimes in budget systems other components can mostly mask the difference...from the looks of it, I wouldn't be pointing at the DAC per se, although just possibly the C370...maybe???...if you end up not being able to tell a difference, that is. Dunno about the feet lighting up. Hope this helps.
Thanks, Ivan. I'm going to do the obvious and run it in both modes for some time and see if I develope a preference. The dac itself is a huge upgrade from the Yamaha sacd I was using(and am still as a transport). Probably my best craigslist find and great timing. My neighbors on both sides of my townhome are gone for the weekend and I've been enjoying the new life it has brought to my huge CD collection and my cheap Jamo e855 speakers(my next upgrade). I just guess I expected something akin to standard def tv to HD or something.
Forgot to say, if you are not already doing so, be sure to use a decent coax from the transport to the DAC and NOT a TosLink (even a pretty good one really) - IME a TosLink will more than likely act like a bottle-neck for this kind of sound difference. I have a roughly $5k CD-only system and in it the difference between 44.1 and 96k is very nice indeed (wouldn't be without it, really). But, the difference between optical and coax was even more obvious and across the board. It could just be the cheapie transport I'm using, but many others report a similar improvement too. Cheers.
It is NOT an "upconversion" button, it merely selects between 96 and 192 kHz; you should NOT hear much difference. It is, still, a nice DAC. Steve