Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.

"Marantz SA-8001, Sounded like crap in my system."

In your system is right. Also, I owned the Proceed separate transport and DAC many years ago and it sounded great. A little light weight, but very good.

This could be a very misleading thread from people with little if any credability at all.
Conrad Johnson. Sorry, I know their amps/preamps are great, but the tubed DAC and transport I paid $3600 for 15 years ago were the absolute pits. Not just poor sounding -- laid back to a fault, uninvolving, just plain blah -- but unreliable to boot. Beautiful, though.
'Marantz SA-8001, Sounded like crap in my system.'

The SA-8001 is a player praised by all established reviewers that I have read. Including Stereophile.
Maybe the rest of your system was responsible for the 'crappy' sound. I have owned it for many years and it is reliable and sounds great. Looks great also. I like the full size.