Worst CD player

We've been seeing many threads on the best CD players or best for a given dollar, anyone want to comment on the worst one you've heard?
No heckling from the analog junkies please.
Conrad Johnson. Sorry, I know their amps/preamps are great, but the tubed DAC and transport I paid $3600 for 15 years ago were the absolute pits. Not just poor sounding -- laid back to a fault, uninvolving, just plain blah -- but unreliable to boot. Beautiful, though.
'Marantz SA-8001, Sounded like crap in my system.'

The SA-8001 is a player praised by all established reviewers that I have read. Including Stereophile.
Maybe the rest of your system was responsible for the 'crappy' sound. I have owned it for many years and it is reliable and sounds great. Looks great also. I like the full size.
the origonal sony bdp something. looked cool, but just horrible. maybe it was the aad discs tho. a 30 dollar magnavox blows it away.
"Maybe the rest of your system was responsible for the 'crappy' sound."

Nope, my 35K system sounds wonderful, thank you. The Marantz not only sounded like crap in my system, but it also wouldn't read many of my disks. After 2 trips back to factory service, I gave up. I am using an Esoteric player now and there is absolutely no comparison.