Tube DAC Recommendations

I am in the market for DAC; my preference is a tube DAC. My primary music source will come from a computer or music server. The DAC will connect to Sim Audio 700i integrated amp. Budget is up to $7000 for the DAC.
I have been studying this forum over the last several months but cannot seem to find a consensus on the top 3-5 tube DACs.
Any input is appreciated.

I have been away on vacation for nearly 2 weeks, so nothing new to report currently. I will let you know in future.
Just following up with my listening impressions after further break-in and tube swapping. Amperex 6922 and Telefunken 12AX7 have made my Romulus a virtual match for the sonics of the rest of my system. More liveliness and emphasis on the high frequencies and less bloating in the midrange and upper bass. And it maintains all the analog sonic qualities that I prefer. This is the last stop for me, as I am very pleased.