32-bit dac

Looking to educate myself regarding 24-bit vs. 32-bit dac. Anyone want to share some knowledge?

The only 32-bit dacs I know of are:
1) ESS Sabre 9018 from Oppo-95
2) W4S DAC1 and 2

Is there any other? Thanks.
My understanding is the NAD uses the extra bits for volume control, not processing.
My understanding is that -- while any given DAC may sound "better" than another one for a whole host of reasons -- whether it can run 24 v 32 bit is not one of them.
Having 32 bits is critical to properly implement a digital volume control. The PS audio PWD is 32 bit as well.

The $40K top of the line MSB stack is 26 bit (and has an analog volume control), so clearly there is more to SQ than bits.