Goldmanjay: What is your connection right now? What exactly is the problem with your set up? (I don't know the Ayre, but I've hear the M2M in an excellent system, and I'd expect your sound to be very good.)
If you are using USB or another hard wired connection, the Bridge is quite unlikely to be simpler. See above.
The general problem, IMO, is that computer engineers are not audio engineers, and vice versa, so grafting of the two technologies has the potential for disaster, esp. if the problem is at the interface of the two, as mine was.
Dedicated "audio computers" like the Wyred might help with this, but you can get hung out to dry, as you did, if the (often small) company fails.
If you are using USB or another hard wired connection, the Bridge is quite unlikely to be simpler. See above.
The general problem, IMO, is that computer engineers are not audio engineers, and vice versa, so grafting of the two technologies has the potential for disaster, esp. if the problem is at the interface of the two, as mine was.
Dedicated "audio computers" like the Wyred might help with this, but you can get hung out to dry, as you did, if the (often small) company fails.