cd player suggestions

I used to own a bluenote koala cd player. Now i need help finding a comparable replacement without breaking the bank.
For a similar budget maybe East Sound (ESound) or for another tube Aesthetix Romulus...
I am getting ready to post a Shanling CD-T100 with PCX/Underwood mods for sale, if that is of interest to you.
Not just because I have one, but I really think you should try
to find an Ear Acute. I was told by the distributor that they
are out of production now, but there may be some new ones or
demos still out there. I really think it's a great piece for
the money and that you'd have to spend well over 10K to beat it.
It really balances detail and smoothness very well. The only
thing I would really prefer is if I could get a used Linn CD12
from a dealer who could provide service. That thing was the
best I've ever heard and I've also heard that Linn has plenty of
parts if it needs service. It was breathtaking. They usually
go for about $8K used.
Dpm, we all have an amount we would like to spend, but sometimes you have to suck it up and buy something you really like. A good player will give you years of enjoyment and the extra money will soon be forgotten. I'm not for reckless spending, but kept within reason, it's nice to have something good.