How many switches do you have to flip the play a CD?

So it occurred to me the other day that I have to flip at least five switches to play a CD: one on each of my power amplifiers, one on my preamp, one on my digital to analog converter, one on the CD player (which I am only using as a transport) and another one on the DAC to make sure it's using the correct input.

And we wonder why high-end audio isn't a mainstream hobby? :-)

Anybody have to flip even more switches to play a CD?
This is why I use a universal remote. But even without it, flipping a few switches isn't that much work. In some parts of the world people still have to chop wood and carry water.

One thing that bothers me with DVD and Blu-ray is how long it sometimes takes to get to the actual movie, getting past trailers, animated menus, warnings, etc. CD is pretty good in that respect, in that it plays straight away.
Harmony 1 universal remote will fix your flipping issues (assuming your gear has remote access). very easy to program as well. it's able to do multipal switching via a string of commands with one push of a button or touch screen.

been using mine for 3 years now. great product!

I'd call it a playful question. It just hit me a couple of weeks ago that I have to flip 7 switches from a cold start to play a CD! Not that it's a hardship, but I was wondering if a normal (read, "non-audiophile") person would put up with it. :-)