Why does the copy sound better than the original

Just purchased Alanis Morissette's recent CD "havoc and bright lights", great recording. I decided to back it up to a lightscribe disk and found the copy to sound better in many respects to the original, I'm at a loss to understand why? My CDP is a Cambridge azure 840c that was recently serviced, the repair included Caps, new drive and firmware update to V1.2. Has anyone else experienced this before where the copy sounds better than the original? Thanks - Rpg
Yes, that phenomenon has been reported by many people, and is readily explainable IMO. See this thread and this one.

-- Al
I experience it all the time.

Look up past discussions.

Buy the best media you can and burn at the slowest speed available. Try not to handle the media with your bare hands. (cotton gloves or a micro-fiber cloth are what I use.)
Pretty sure it's a PWB thing. A copy always sounds better, even if the CD-R is not a black CD-R.

Pop quiz - Does a copy of the copy sound even better? The second CD-R doesn't know the bits are from a copy. Answer at 11.

Al, what's your readily explainable explanation? Just curious.