Is Qsonix out of business?

I have been attempting to get a simple question answered about my Qsonix 205. No email responses. Today I called; telephone numbers disconnected. I had (the past) presidents cel phone number from past discussions. I called and he told me he had been gone from Qsonix for a year and had no idea what was happening there.

Scary stuff...
Hi , I am shocked today to find this out today ,I purchased my qsonix 205 for Doron Ben Zvy June 2012, I called wadia they could not help, diconnected phone at concearn is if I need any info and support. I made need and to get all of my Music on something other than Qsonix any help or who can I call . would be great thanks .
A really good local electronics repair shop recently repaired my Qsonix. Lots of common parts in the 205 according to the tech. He put in a new CD drive for $89 including installation! Let me know if anyone wants his contact info.
Bummer. I had a feeling they were in trouble as I was not getting any response to my service inquiries. I have the 205 and need a drive. Anyone know a reputable service shop in Colorado.
Hi I may have access to get you a hard drive with the Qsonix software if you still need it
Hello hgproaudio, I have a Q110 and a Q205 that need repair. If you could send me the info on your repair guy, I will buy you a nice dinner through PayPal.