Anyone has heard the Bel Canto REFLink Asynchronou

I am curious to know whether this would be a worthy addition to my Bel Canto 2.5 Thank you.
If I understand you correctly, isolation if one part of what this converter does, the other one is allowing frequencies higher than 90kHz. So if I all my files are 16bit data at 44kHz, there would be no point in getting such converter and I would be much better of by buying the lower end device to get some isolation. Is that correct? That is how I understand you last sentence.
Bel Canto has 3 new USB Link devices.

All 3 are asynchronous USB vs synchronous on yr DAC2.5 And I feel any of the 3 should work with your DAC2.5 to provide an upgrade in SQ.

FWIW, I have found big differences going from synchronous to async USB devices more so than going from 16/44 to 24/96
I bought the REFlink and is using it with my DAC3.5VB MKII.

Yes,the REFlink is giving the best sound I ever heard from my DAC 3.5. I was using the lightLink and subsequently the Weiss INT203 before. Also, I understand you will not get a better sound from the Bel Canto CD2 because it's internal upsampling. The CD2 will not provide you the native raw data from the CD, that is, 16 bit / 44K. It lowest bit rate is 48K.

I also tried it on another DAC, a Meitner MA-1. Between the the output of the Bel Canto CD2 and a Bel Canto CD3t, which output 16bit /44K only, the CD3t sounds superior. This could be due to the CD data having gone through 2 rounds of upsampling, once in the CD2 and then the Meitner MA-1.

"So CD2 lose to CD3T?"

Yes, when compared through the AES input of the Meitner MA-1.
