Hi Scott, are you using the RefLink and DAC3.5VB MKII with ST Fiber?, have you compared this combo using spdif and ST Fiber?
Scottmac62 - your comments are very interesting. Two people at Computer Audiophile came to the oposite conclusions. User Blake had written: "I rank the converters as follows: 1. BADA using aes/ebu output. 2. BADA using s/pdif output. 3. Tie between the Legato and REFLink using aes/ebu 4. REFLink s/pdif 5. uLink with iFi iUSB 6. uLink without iFi iUSB The BADA with aes/ebu really stands out from the rest and is the clear, undisputed sonic champion by a very noticeable margin." That was from former mLink and uLink owner, who initally wanted to upgrade to the REFLink. Original post User guydebord also came to similar conclusion, where he found the Berkeley Alpha USB to be superior to REFLink. He said: 'The Berkeley Alpha USB interface is in a league by itself, I just called the dealer to let him know that Im keeping it.' He ended up getting one as well. Original post It seems that there is some special synergy in case of Bel Canto REFLink feeding Bel Canto 3.5 DAC via the ST connection. |