Is there any real alternative to Oppo??

I'm looking for a new Universal player, and love Oppo but they are hard to find other than new, and want to buy something local if possible also. Are there any other good players out there that can be bought at a local chain store that are as good?? Yamaha...Denon...Onkyo...Marantz...ect??

Any?? Sure does not seem like it.
My friend upgraded from the Oppo BDP83 to the Cambridge.
I bought his Oppo, I'm very happy with it.
The Cambridge he has does not have a dimmable display.
The Oppo players do. This is important to me.
Doggiehowser, I don't know where you're getting the idea that the Cambridge player is based on the Oppo. That's not my understanding; I reviewed the 840C for and have owned it. My understanding is that they use the Analogue Devices chips which are 24/192, not the ESS chips.

I think someone has given you bad information.
There are about a dozen Oppo 93/95's on AudiogoN right now.

As a minor thread hijack, does anyone know of a "high end" universal player that isn't a rebadge of one form or another?
" and love Oppo but they are hard to find other than new,"

Sorry but there is a ton of barely used OPPO for sale in Audiogon........

Yea, sorry I did not word that right. What I really want to do is buy new, and local this weekend if possible. And just wondering if there was anything other than Oppo that is really good. I need something that does good on both movies & music. I could get a nice cdp and one of the million slim line El cheapo bluray players, but really want a good all in one box solution if possible.