Pure Music...Really Bad so far...


I recently installed a trial version of Pure Music. I'm using a Mac Mini i5 2.3 Ghz- and up until yesterday had no issues. I upgraded my RAM from 2GB to 8GB and now I can no longer use the Memory Play function. When I select a track it says 'Loading Tracks Into Memory' and Pure Music freezes...I'm assuming my RAM is fine as my machine is working with video content and normal playback. I'm using iTunes version 11...any suggestions?

If the Memory Play tab is de-selected in the Music Server banner I get playback - also if I have Audio Playthrough highlighted I get playback.

Any feedback would be appreciated, I've only had the software for two days but now I'm questioning making a final purchase. This entire experience has been very in 'Apple' like -
Not sure what the rest of the system is but PM apparently has problems with iTunes 11. Not sure if you are using the latest beta

System check shows 8GB of Ram.

I don't know if its the rush of the holiday season bu I suppose my patience has been short, it's a pity because the sound when working was glorious - the best my system has ever sounded...
I tried Pure Musics trial and did not think it was an upgrade to the sound. But, what do I know? Not much about computer audio but very very basic stuff. I have tried to educate myself at computeraudiophile.com, here, AA and Empirical Audio site, but there are still plenty of holes in my understanding, with all the acronyms, and technical jargon that is spit out like its a language we already know. Just my rant. I use a Macbook Pro and W4S2 DAC. Did not think much of Pure Music. I wish someone, anyone would publish the quintessential book, "Computer Audio for Dummies." Every other field has a "dummy book."
If you are running a trial of 1.88, there is a bug in it that causes that exact problem. It happened to me. If you download 1.89, the problem is corrected in that version. I did and all is well now.

After receiving an email from Pure Music I downloaded version 1.89d4 which had to be manually downloaded (not automatically) and I'm back and running now. Very please, quite the learning curve as I'm a PC guy and have never used Pure Music or other software before. From a sound quality standpoint it's incredible...