Bricasti M1 USB

I just picked up the Bricasti DAC a couple of weeks ago. Hands down, it's top notch. I'd been using the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 mkii since 1995 or so. And I still think the SF is a great DAC. But the Bricasti is, well, something special.

I've demoed the Weiss 202 Firewire, Aesthetix Pandora and MSB Analog DAC and the Platinum Signature. The MSB Platinum Sig (at $23K) was great... but it wasn't another $14K better than the Bricasti, at least for my wallet. The MSB Analog DAC was incredible but I liked the Bricasti better. It had a presence and presentation that just seemed right to me. Granted, when I compared the MSB and Bricasti, I was listening on a unfamiliar system, albeit very high-end... Constellation pre/power amp and Magico Q3s.

When I got the Bricasti in my system I was thrilled. I've got Cary 211AE monoblocks, Cary SLP-98 Pre, Vivid B1 speakers, Organic and Nordost cables.

I had the Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 mkii for 15+ years and I could happily live with the Bricasti for the next 15 years.
After almost three weeks of listening I have decided to purchase the MSB Analog DAC. Overall, I felt that it was just more musical than the exaSound e20 (remember, the e20 was 1/4 the price of the MSB or Bricasti), and in my rig it also bested the M1.

Both the M1 and the ex20 sounded very good, but they were several notches below the Analog DAC IMO only! The Analog DAC was smoother overall, much more 3D all around, and just better balanced in sound; it provided the most goosebumps!
This thread is a little older but I have a brand new Bricasti M1 on the way to me and I will have it this Thursday. I traded my PS Audio DirectStream for it and was wondering if you M1 owners have any recommendations or feedback on break in or anything that could be helpful or anything info about the DAC. Thanks
I had a chance to listen to the Lampi Big7 and the Bricasti M1. i really liked the Big7 a lot but thought the M1 was better...
There are numerous ventilation openings throughout the Bricasti casework. This leads me to believe that the unit runs very hot. Can anyone confirm how much heat the unit produces at idle? For example, how long are you able to hold your hand on it?

I am asking because this affects not only placement but circuit longevity. Many DAC's have no ventilation openings because they are not required.
One of the cool things about the Bricasti M1 DAC is it has a status button that shows cool stuff like polarity, volume per channel, signal rate in then the signal rate out 352 / 384 or DSD/2 / Software version and great internal temp reading that shows the internal temperature that is luke warm at most. You could hold your hand on it for a month. It runs about 2-3 degrees warmer than your hand which in HI-FI would considered quite cool. Mine after long sessions gets up to 104 - 107. With the mono separate design with all aluminum block construction and all the great venting you couldn't ask for a better performer from a heat dispersion longevity standpoint. Plus it is probably the best sounding digital player in the world at any price. It is insanely good!