Older Cary 306/200 vrs a recent used Cary CD500?

How does the highly reguarded some 10+ year old Cary 306/200 CD player sound vrs the recent discontinued Cary CD500 player? I'm thinking of buying used. Both of these units look interesting to me. Of course I could wait for the newer Cary player due out this Spring...Currently using a Denon 1650AR which I like. Most of my listening is now CD. Really I just want a really good player and be done with it. All comments welcome.
Ok guys, I'm back to my original question. A used Cary 306/200 CDP some ten years old with all the great reviews.
Or, the recently discontinued Cary CD500?

All comments welcome. I'm leaning towards the older Cary.
Any thoughts? All the best...
one thing that always bothered me about the 306/200's remote is it's rather cumbersome & built like a lead brick versus the cd500 which is a nice light modern plastic unit. accidentally dropping or knocking the remote of the 306/200 off a table or shelf is like dropping a hammer. my 306/200 sure sounded fine & was very reliable.

I have to admit I like how steamlined your system is.
I take it you like the Cary 303/300 over your older 306/200?
thanks, I really like them both but never had a chance to compare the two side by side. I bought the 303/300 after owning a couple other units in between. Both have really good analog volume controls w/3volt output thru the rca's (more thru the xlr's) which works great direct if your amp is sensitive enough & of course - if the synergy is there. good luck I know you'll like either the cd500 or 306 a lot.
I pulled the trigger on the Cary 306/200. I'm not sure of the date built but, according to the owner it was a later model one year old when he purchased in 2007. I couldn't justify the cost of the Cary 303T. Perhaps, I will find one
used down the road. Looking forward to hearing this Cary as it's in transit.