How do I use dedicated storage and iTunes?

Ok, I'm missing something here. I am using iTunes w/AIFF files for my digital audio. I'm using a Mac mini (my regular computer) and streaming the files through Airport Express to an upsmplaing DAC (Cambridge Audio DacMagic) to my stereo. The problem is: I'm running out of space on the computer. How do I get my iTunes onto a dedicated external hard drive for media storage and then streamed to my system?
I do have a 1 TB backup drive for my computer, but am not sure how to get the iTunes off my mini and onto it or another dedicated drive.
do you have Apple support ? They walked me through the steps by phone . Took half an hour . Lots of steps .
Thanks. I guess the issue also is what is the best what to store it: NAS, separate hard drive, etc.?
I was recommeneded using a seperate ssd drive by Oyen called minipro . it was $170 shipped . very small almost the size of a deck of cards . 1tb . Owner of db labs has took all the guess work out of setting up a macmini for optimal performance . Great forum discussions on audiocircle he was a part of .
Hi Tarraga
I am not that knowledgeable with computers BUT recently I ripped all my cd's using Itunes AIFF format and stored the digital files in to an external USB hard drive the WD Mypassport Studio 1TB.Here is what I did.
Open Itunes and click on itunes button top left,then choose Preferences,another smaller window opens up,go to advanced Settings (the gear wheel symbol),there you given the choice to iTunes media folder location.If you have an external drive attached to your mac mini it will show up there as oppose to the internal drive,and choose that as your destination drive and to also to duplicate your entire itunes music library.
Hope I was of help.