Using the PerfectWave DAC MK II

Anyone using the new PS Audio PerfectWave DAC MK II? What are your impressions of this DAC? How does it compare to other DACS you've used?
IMHO the MK II sounds significantly better then the MK I and I have had both. IMHO it is the best sounding DAC for the money and you would have to spend a lot more to better it.

That being said if anyone has an interest I am selling my PS Audio Perfectwave DAC MK II with Bridge and upgraded Synergistic Research Fuses. It just came back from PSA and has both the digital and analog boards replaced so it is like new with two years and four months of warranty left. reach me at
Sgr, I have to sell the PSA DAC first before I can "upgrade".

IMHO the Perfectwave "MK II" is the best sounding DAC for its price point. I feel you have to spend a lot more to get a better sounding DAC.

However until I sell my PSA DAC I would prefer not to say.

Thanks for understanding in advance.
the mk1 sounded great when released in 2009....the mk2 sounds even better. am yet to hear any digital front end (anywhere near this price point) that sounds better then the pwt/pwd/bridge.

have not compared it to any of the newer high end dacs but did a/b/c it against two much costlier dacs three years ago (both were Esoteric's from previous years). neither sounded better then the pwdmk1. 2 friend ruled it a tie but i preferred the pwd. not sure if this was a fair comparison as the esoteric units were 1 and 2 year old at the time...while the pwd had only been out 4 months. unfortunately, those were the cards i was dealt.'ll need to spend alot more loot to beat this dac imho.

get the mk2....and the bridge if you stream. if you still like spinning disc's...get the pwt as well (perfect match for the pwd). together...they make for a fantastic digi front end that's hard to beat without spending alot more loot.
We will be having a shootout in a couple weeks with the PWDII, M51, Buffalo III, D2 (Anedio) and a Hilo. Will get back when done.

I will say that as of right now, the PWDII is the finest sounding DAC in the under $2.5k budget(used of course). I'm breaking in the Hilo now. Since you've got vinyl, this unit does A/D too.