Foil strip CD tweaks...A mystery

I'm sure most inmates are aware of the P.W.B foil that is applied to CD's to improve the sound. There have been fantastic claims of improvement, although, of course, some claim they hear no difference at all. I received some from a friend and I thought I heard a difference of some CD's not others. Then one day, my young son was applying stickers to his notebook, and don't you know it appeared to be the exact same foil, pattern, thickness and all! Then as these strange occurrences would have it, I noticed one of my wife's hair clips had the exact same foil with the exact same pattern, albeit within the clear plastic substrate of the clip so that I couldn't actually touch the foil.

Now is it reasonable to at least postulate that all these apparently identical foils come from the same original source? And if so, who is responsible for their original design. Is this a case of an expensive audiophile tweak posing as a cheap child's sticker, or a cheap child's
sticker posing as an expensive audiophile tweak?
I have always been intrigued and amused by the flurry of banter surrounding the PWB foil. When you get a chance, go to his website and read up on his theories. Whatever you want to say about it, it's at least an interesting read. I personally, was rather fascinated that he bases his concepts on the theory of Morphic Resonance, something which has been expounded upon in several scientific tomes, most notably Rupert Sheldrake's 'Presence of the Past' which I happen to own. I'm not ready to claim that these pieces of foil (or any of his other, even more esoteric, products) will enhance your listening experience, but I've gotta appreciate someone who's willing to go to the extreme fringe with such gusto!
I cant speak for this first hand but I have heard that its very bad to stick anything onto cd's. Not because of sound but because the motors that spin the cd werent designed for the extra weight.