Esoteric K-03 or K-01

After many reads and auditions I am ready to pull a trigger on esoterik K-03 player. I also have the opportunity to get a new K-01 for a great price, but without being able to audition it and still a few $$$ more, so it is dificault to commit to.

Those who had a chance to hear/have both players, how much K-01 is better than k-03?

May be for my system K-03 will do fine and K-01 is overkill?

I intend to run Esoteric player direct to amplifier, how much K-01 may sound better direct to amplifier in compare with K-03?

My speakers are Marten Django XL that driven by ML # 532H.
Thank you.
Hi Denon1, to be perfectly fair, I have listened to K-01 directly into an amp only on the demo system at RMAF. It is very possible that while various filters and upsamplers on the unit were properly broken in, the volume attenuator was still raw, hence my lack of appreciation for this mode of operation. If you get a K-01 without pre, by the time you have completed break-in of about 2100 hours (700 hours on each SDLY1+4X, SDLY2+4X, and DSD), the volume attenuator will also be totally broken in, and the machine largely optimized and giving you its best. If at that time you still have a concern, you can add a pre, otherwise continue with a direct connection. Guido
Guido, thank you, I am ready to proceed with ordering k01
I think you mentioned before that in order to burn esoteric in one does not have to engage amplifier and speakers, just spin burn disk thru CDP with amp on stand by or off. Is that correct?
That's totally awesome Denon1! Yes, you can do the breakin largely without engaging the speakers.... Just leave the power amp on standby, so that the amplifier's inputs are active and so complete the circuit with the operating player. Particularly important, I suspect, if you use XLRs. Find a good break-in CD/SACD and play that more/less continuously.... Harve and the rest of the gang have much more info on good break-in disks than I do, so I leave it to them to make meaningful recommendations. By the way, it is worth while to turn the player completely off once a day for about an hour, and then resume break-in... This cycles capacitor charge, etc.... The result is expected to be a faster and more complete break-in.

I have created a break-in spreadsheet with MS Excell that I use to keep trak of break-in, take notes, and project break-in time and completion date.... It is a lot of fun to use... If you like, send me a PM, and I will be happy to send the spreadsheet to you. By the way, do not write any e-m-a-i-l addresses in PM, or the Audiogonic server machine will prevent msg delivery.

Saluti, Guido
Hi Guido,

I have been passively following this thread for a while and you may be pleased to hear that I have just pulled the trigger for the K-01, replacing my 3-year-old dcs Puccini and U-clock. I trust your ears as much as mine as we both have and luvvv the Vienna Die Muzik speakers(Congrats! since we last chatted in another thread where you said you had the Mahler then).
I am curious whether you set your XLR output to XLR2 or XLR3 and if either makes a difference for you.
The manual does not say how to download the USB HS2 asynchronous driver. How does one install the driver?
Many thanks in advance.
Warmest regards.
I have just downloaded the HS USB driver to my computer and will be trying out the asynchronous USB input tomorrow.
As for the XLR output,I personally find that XLR2 gives better sonics than XLR3. Cheers!