Berkeley dac1 versus Esoteric K-03

Any have experience with both?
Hello Cerot. Your words "emotional impact is what it's all about" very neatly sums things up. Reviewed your excellent system. Have you ever tried a Sound Application a/c product?
Hi Ptss, Thank you for the compliment. I have not tried sound application. I did hear Igor Kuznetspff's 'K Works' line conditioner at the NY Show and was quite impressed and may order one (for my amps) as they are into the wall now. I am lucky with fairly new home, good electric, and great block for power usage (as there is hardly anyone on it!).
Cerrot, wanted to check up on your joy with the K-03.
You were clear about the emotional impact improvement it provided. Do you know why the K-03 is so much better? Did you ever get to try/hear the Alpha 2. I find it fascinating that our replay ability is still improving what with all the talk of parts per million distortion or error for a few years now.
Esoteric has been known for ultra precision manufacturing and matching, rigidity and vibration attenuation, mass and extreme attention to power supplies for some time. What factors made the K-03 unique?
Hi Ptss,
I havent heard the Berkeley 2 (or the new reference). The K03 is sounding INCREDIBLE but I have had some fun with some key upgrades (upgraded ultra platforms under speakers; tara labs the one speaker cables on both panels and woofers; new jeff rowland design group criteriion preamp). These upgrades have brought me to a new place and my only thought (right now) is a K01 (dream of the D/P 02 but ...). I think my rig is at a place where I can really enjoy the benefit of the K01. Please understad, I have no wants or needs when I listen to the K03. I just 'know' that, from reading the reviews, and the other upgrads I have done, this should take me even closer to what I want, IE, the music. (also, both prior owners of my criterion have a K01 and I do need to explore that). I really cant say what it is about esoteric that is so pleasing to so many. I do know that the gentlemen running it is an audiophile. And he has diamonds for ears.
Thank you for the follow up!
Owned both Berkeley DAC's. IMO: The "2" was slightly kinder and gentler than the "1". For the money I thought both were very good but preferred the "1" very slightly because of its additional slam factor.

Have not heard the Reference.