Ways to improve DAC performance???

Hello fellow A'goners,

I recently changed my system by selling my tube CD player and storing all of my CDs onto iTunes on my Macbook Pro laptop. I also subscribe to premium Spotify and really enjoy the quality of the sound.

I'm using a fairly inexpensive Ross Martin DAC, and the noise floor and detail are really excellent.

I'm new to this "music server" approach and I was wondering if there is additional software that would improve the quality of this setup.
It has to be Apple, not PC.

I've read of various programs and downloads that help, but I'm not sure if they are a substitute for a good DAC or something that can enhance a DAC's performance?

Any suggestions or advice is much appreciated, as I am a newbie in this new digital realm.

Thanks! Lincoln
I didn't realize I would start such a debate!
So selling my Eastern Electric Minimax CDP with killer Siemens 7308 tubes was a bad move?

Steve- I'd like to know how much one of your converters is? I only spent $250 on my Ross Martin DAC (very small business run by a great guy who did production for Sony). I sold the CDP for $450 plus $200 tubes- I really don't want to spend more than that total to get good sound with the DAC/Macbook combo- I'm one of those rare audiophiles that DOES NOT have unlimited cash.

Is budget digital audio simply not possible via a laptop?

My system has always been modest. I went from Snells to Vandys to Merlins, to DIY Northcreeks, and my latest speaker will be Gallo Strada monitors mated with an M&K subwoofer for low end. My amp is a very upgraded Fisher 500c receiver- love that tube sound.

Thanks again for the opinions shared and I will do my best to look at all viewpoints. But for me buying used gear for cheap and simply enjoying the music is what this crazy hobby is all about.

I've got a wife and 3 kids, so $1k plus "tweaks" are not possible, nor even rational in my opinion. Sorry for not being more clear about my criteria with my original post.

Other thoughts are welcome.
Linc - the most important thing in any digital playback system is the master clock, not the DAC. This resides in the CD Transport, USB converter, WiFi converter or reclocker. Spending a reasonable amount of money on this is critical.

You can still have your $200 DAC, but make sure to drive it with a low-jitter source, like your Macbook driving a Synchro-Mesh reclocker powered by a Dynamo power supply. The Synchro-Mesh is $599.


Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks Steve. I really appreciate you taking the time to inform noobs like me about how to get things right for digital. That price isn't bad and hopefully in the near future I can demo one. Is there a trial period for your stuff?
Thanks for your help bro.
Hello like the a Bryston bdp,many awards ,very quiet,now there are so manyDSDtitles coming out finally from Sony,warner,Toshiba and many smaller labels ,these are sacs before editingand far superior to red book
Cd.especially DSD128. And machines like the New Luxman DA-06
Is Fantastic ,rich detailed and Vety Analog like ,with DSD
Has several advantages over vinyl.my brother has a $20k vinyl setup
Which is excellent ,cd finally has come of age and my library at
Your command.my 40 years ,in Audio and more then a good home spent
I know good products .digital is now fantastic if you do it Right.
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Steve N.
Empirical Audio