Esoteric X-01 versus Oppo 105 Darbee for CD audio?

I realize the price difference. But technology changes have been dramatic since the original X-01.
Great question. I own an Esoteric X-01 D2 and just ordered an Oppo 105 Darbee, but I have not been able to compare the two yet. I would also love to know how the X-01 D2 compares to the PS Audio DirectStream DAC and PWT (seeing as a used Esoteric X-01 D2 is about the same price as the two PS Audio units that have been receiving rave reviews).
Warm Regards,
I just purchased the Oppo 105D to replace a Linn Karik which finally died. The Oppo sounds fine in a digital sort of way. I was hoping it would be a step forward compared to the older digital but it really isn't. The Oppo's analog outs compared to a 19 year old VAC tube dac via the Oppo's digital outs is too close to call. Yes, there is a slight difference that an audiophile might hear but would go unnoticed by an average listener.

Then there is the Chord Hugo connected to my Sony X779es with a Tara ISM cable that sounds like real instruments, no digital piano sound here. The difference with the Hugo is instantly noticeable to the average listener and it is not subtle. The only reason to play the Oppo is to demonstrate how good the Hugo is.

Play track 2 of Holly Cole's Don't Smoke in Bed through the Oppo and you'd think it sounds pretty good. Then switch to the Hugo and you find out what was missing.

I have not heard an Esoteric player to compare. From experience of listening to various digital players and formats, I think a Hugo would be the winner.

I have heard fully active Linn systems, but I have no experience with Chord products. From your description the Hugo sounds quite interesting.

I am quite fond of the Esoteric X-01 D2, but I just found a great deal on the PS Audio DirectStream DAC and Perfect Wave Transport. As this pairing has received huge accolades from professional reviewers and end users alike, I would love to hear from anyone out there with direct comparison experience against the Esoteric.

Once I complete my cross-country relocation, I will let you know how the Oppo 105 Darbee fairs against the X-01 D2 (at least in my system: Ayre KXR and Rowland Capri preamps, Theta amps, Vienna Acoustic Mahler 1.5 speakers, Furutech Reference III cables and XLR interconnects).

Warm Regards,