Ayon S5 VS Aurender W20

Anyone on this forum did a direct comparison between the Ayon S5 and Aurender W20 network players ?
The S5 has its own DAC, the Aurender doesn't have one.
I already compared the Ayon S5 against the Lumin S1 and to my taste the Ayon S5 is the clear winner.
Wonder about the Aurender W20.
Please leave your comments.
I use audio totally different than other people do in audio.
My focus is on properties. I use the full potential of all the
different properties a tool ( amp, speaker, cable,
conditioner, source etc) owns.

I use Purist Audio Limited Edition powercables. They make an
amp or source so much better sounding. A lot more analogue

I prefer 384khz over 192khz dac because I use the extra stage
depth and width I can create with 384khz.

Same thing about a higher dynamic range. When you are aware of
all the properties a tool owns you always can achieve a much
higher endresult than the way most people work in audio.

The price range of 2495,- euro till 9999,- is for me the
perfect balance in price range. it is easy to navigate and you
can choose between PCM and DSD. I have to judge on more parts
than only my personal demands.

I have focussed on Auralic as well. But I prefer different
streamers in price range with an inbuild dac. Till now all
drive/ computer combinations with a separate dac are all
useless in my personal opinion.

I will test different Lumin players soon. The Puccini is also
a source without a soul and that is why it is fully useless in
my opinion.

I also think the Ayon S5 is a very analogue sounding streamer.
But I have to judge also for demands of clients. Missing DSD
and using 192khz and a lower dynamic range give me less space
to create my own sound and adjustments.

For example I prefered Pass Labs XA over X series untill I put
a Purist Audio Limited Edition on my Pass Labs poweramp. It
all changed my mind. After this I prefered X series over XA
series. My focus is on the endresult. This is what counts most
and how I judge at the end.

Thanks Audiotroy for your information.
When i auditioned the Lumin S1 and the Ayon S5 side by side they were both connected to the NAS via ethernet not USB.
I heard tha MSB are going to come out with a streaming option for their DACs in 2015.
Anyone aware of that ?
CH Precision already has this option for the C1 DAC.
Sofar all combinations of Dac and drives were not good enough. When I am at shows I got convinced that many distributers are not even aware of the part which is missing. This is the essential part for emotion and sound realism.

3 Weeks ago I did audition the MSB Diamond Dac. The limitation is the fact that the individuel focus of instruments and voices is not that precise and intimate as the best. This part is also a very important feature for the absolute sound.

Audio ia all about understanding music and audio. When you are not aware of all the different properties of each tool it is a lot more difficult to get to the best sound possible. In most situations most audio/music lovers and even distributers and shop owners only use a part of all those properties their source owns.

When I have auditioned the Lumin streamers I will write my thoughts!
Aurender W20 is the best digital source I have heard so far. It sounded great in pair with Vitus RD-100 DAC. But W20 achieves the best results with MSB and dCS DACs because you can use a single clock (internal in case of MSB and external in case of dCS) for W20 and a connected DAC.
If you are looking for the best streamer you should try Linn Klimax. I heard Klimax DS and Lumin A1 face to face. The latter sounded thin and uninvolving in comparison with DS. And I doubt A1 can compete even with Linn Akurate DS. Linn streamers sound warm and extremely transparent, especially versions with internal preamps (DSM).
Linn is quite poor in streamers. They use old and even cheap
parts in their topmodels. The used dac's are cheap parts and
not that special.

You have to compare the S1 with the Linn and also other

The focus on a drive like the W20 and expensive dac's need to
be on the colour pallet of the mid freq. This is the weakest
part. When you use classical music it is quite easy to hear
and understand what is missing.

I am often surprised how F. deaf many people are at shows when
this part is missing. When I look at them I see that they are
not even aware of it.

This is for me a very important part what I tell and demo to
all my clients. It is important that people understand how
music need to be and what these differences do to music and

Last week I had this discussion also with Desmond of Pass
Labs. There needs to be more focus on realism and quality!