Arcam CDS27

Has anybody heard this new unit from Arcam? I don't have a local dealer so I would have to travel a ways to hear it. I recently had the opportunity to hear a cd17 and was pleasantly surprised on how musical it was, and the cds27 seems to have all new forms of digital playback(streaming, USB, etc..) built in. I am just wondering if by having everything built in that it may have suffered in the sound quality. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Hey, Sean34. I think your right in that the CDS27 is still too new. So there is not much info on it and many of the other new products Arcam has introduced over the past year.

I hope to get either the CDS27 or the UDP411 from Arcam. The CDS27 uses a different DAC chip than the CD17. The CDS27 uses the same higher end Burr-Brown 1794 chip as the Arcam UDP411 universal player.

Sorry, I can't compare the CD17 to the CDS27. I do know that I've enjoyed the Arcam rDAC and the FMJ A19 amp that I have been using for the past year that I plan on staying with Arcam when I get a new disc player.


Thanks Samac. What is most attractive to me is the ability of the cds27 to take all new digital formats, however, I do still consider sound quality number one.
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