@ Charding , thanks for your input..i guess i am looking to gain 2 things:
(a)slightly more compatibility with more music genres. If anything my current DAC can make heavily compressed music sound like heavily compressed music, go figure. But it still makes musical sense and by that i mean i can still follow the melody.
(b) a bit more depth, recording venue space sure seems to be spot on, but i might be just making a comparison in my brain to my vinyl rig
i have read some european reviews (translated via google) and it would seem the one thing that comes out bout the Comet is that it might not plumb the lowest depths, and may be more suitable for small room, monitor type speaker systems.
@arh..yes i had considered a Metrum Hex, part of me likes to think that all the hype is just that, a bit of disbelief ...i have had several other highly rated DACs in the past 3 years against my Audiomeca...they were sold after 6-8 week of trial