Magnum Dynalamb MD 809 t

Good evening. I'm from Greece and I would like, after buying the turntable (SME 20 / 3A) in a month, I get the magnum dynalamb md 809t. I must say that in my country there are no stations fm HD. But I would like outside of receiving stations, to use it as a player for FLAC files and mp3. It will make a difference that I ?. The speakers I have are these: Sonus Faber Olympica 2ιι and an integrated amplifier Mcintosh ma 7900
Could someone tell me the cost of buying and if indeed it is good to buy it;
Thank you.
Yes- excellent unit- they are in the process of updating the internal dac to accept 24/192. Also- you can request special teflon cap upgrade- good luck.
... the price at which the product is sold in North America that no one knows;
What shall be the special teflon cap upgrade?
There is a link to see it;
Thank you very much again.
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