Audio Alchemy DDS pro, Theta Digital Pearl or EAD

Hi dear fellows.
I´m looking for a very good cd/ transport that does not exceeds 1000 dollars budget.What do you think about these three cd transports??
Audio Alchemy DDS Pro
Theta Digital Pearl
EAD T 1000

All of them uses pioneer stable platter.Which one of these three cd transports do you think performs better?( by saing better I intend to have a more natural , warmthness and lively sound, a sense of presence, best dynamics, soundstage and details as well.
Any experiences will be highly appreciated!!
Cheers Raf
I think they are all terrible choices since they are all very old and will in all likelihood not have parts available when they break, which you can be assured of since they are so old. I'd look at an Oppo.
Thanks Erikminer.The issue is that I have compared an Oppo dgital media player, more precisely BDP 95, using it as transport reproducing cds and it was vastly beaten by an Old Hi end cd player (Proceed cd player and even more by a Krell MD10 transport.So My conclusion is for getting the best in reproducing a cd ,you must use a Hi end cd transport, even if it is old.Anyway I now that the spares parts of these transports are no longer available, which represents a risk in future.Anyway knowing that, my question is if anyone have compared these three cd transports.Any comment will be appreciated.Cheers.and thanks again!Raf
I have not compared these to each other. I owned the Theta Pearl and was quite pleased with it, as it was an audible upgrade from what I'd been using before. However, I eventually replaced the Pearl with a Theta Jade, and got an easy-to-hear improvement—it brought me that much closer to the music. Still using and enjoying the Jade.

Transport makes a tremendous difference in CD sound. I guess my point is to consider the Jade rather than the Pearl if you want the best from Theta.

Thanks Dave!Very useful appreciation.I think the Jade could be a good choice,I´ll take it into consideration.Does anybody tried an EAD cd transport?I was thinking also in a California Audio Labs Delta transport.Any experiences will be appreciated.