Emotiva ERC 3 cd player versus....

Dear fellows.I would like to make an upgrade from my Krell Kav 300 cd player to a modern cd player that could be used as transport as well.Emotiva offers at a very affordable price the Emotiva ERC 3 cd player?could it beat my old Krell kav 300cd?In which level of sound do you situate this cd player?Is this Emotiva a solid hi end cdplayer or may be entry level or hi Fi? Any experiences will be highly appreciated.Thank´s in advance!Cheers.Raf
The only person who can answer the question you have is you. What you're asking is too personal. For example, what's your definition of high end, entry level and HiFi?
Hi Zd542.You are wright, buy just because I haven´t had the possibility to audition it, is the reason why I ask in the forum.I´d better reformulate my answer...Has anybody auditioned the Emotiva ERC3 cd player?Which are your conclusions about it?any comparisons between ERC3 and your predecesor cd players....??Best regards and many thanks for your comments!!Raf.

By the way my personal definition of Hi end is developed by trade marks like Krell, Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Pass Labs etc.Entry level for me is Rotel, Cambridge, Lexicom. Hi fi the one you get at the shoppings malls.Just in my humble opinion.Cheers.Rafael
The Emotiva ERC3 is not high end. It is a $400 player after all, it is not at the level of a Krell or AR. And there is no shame in that.

So what is the ERC3 ... an extremely well built player that has HDCD circuitry and sounds pleasantly, but ever so slightly warm/ dark. If comparisons mean anything, the ERC3 sits in between the Rega Apollo and the Cambridge Audio 651 in terms of overall sound quality (proviso, to my ears, of course.) If you are familiar with the XTZ brand, it is on par with its CD 100/ Divine.

It is a nice player. It would do well as a transport. It would not be embarrassed by players below a $1000.

Every player I have mentioned, I have owned or currently own.

I own both the ERC2 & 3. I used them for a time in my secondary systems. I keep them as back-ups and swap them in occasionally. My current cd players in use: Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24, Rega Apollo, and Magnavox CDP630.

Why did I buy the ERC3, if I already owned the ERC2? Emotiva announces its next year's offerings at its on-site fest every September. The ERC-3 was rumored to be able to play SACDs and I placed an order without doing any further checking. Turns out not to be the case.

Emotiva has its own forum, if you wish to get other opinions.
