Best older universal for CD playback??

I am wondering if anyone has compared the universal players below for CD playback sound and what were your observations. I am trying to stick with one machine verses one for DVD and one for CD but that can be tough I cannot afford the newer units and to me many are hyper detailed and not what I am looking for. I have heard the DVD 7001 and DVD 3800 and thought the Denon was warmer. Probably the ALPHA processing. I had that on my Denon 1650AR I had for 9 years and it did make it more musical and analog. Thanks
Marantz DV 7001,DV 9500,DV 9600
Denon DVD 3800,DVD 3910,DVD 3800BD,DVD 2930ci
If the only 2 formats you need are CD and DVD for video, it would probably be more cost effective to get 2 separate players. Or possibly a low cost universal and a dac.
I have had t,he Marantz DV9500 then went to the DVD3910 which I quickly traded in for a DVD5910ci. The 5910 was superior to them all. I see the 5910s for all here once and a while. But a word of caution, these are all older machines and are at the end of their expected life span. You don't mention your budget and when you say "universal" are you wanting DVD-Audio and SACD playback in 2 channel and 5.1 as well?
If you just want to improve CD playback have you considered a DAC to improve your sound quality? Again, your list is of dated equipment and the newer DAC's will outperform the DAC's employed in those machines.
Just food for thought before you spend your money.
The list is of units that run $200- $400 and play almost everything I can afford that and no more. Times are beyond tough $$ wise. I have the 7001 ($799 new) and when I bring in an old Onkyo DX C909 6 disc or an Adcom GCD 700 and they hseem to sound more musical and have a better sense of PRAT I question my universal. The ones above are around the same time as the 7001 but sold for $400 to $600 more. I am thinking the audio section is better. FYI I have had a Rega Apollo, Denon 1650AR, Cambridge 850, Sony 777, many NADs latest being a 545 Could care less about multi channel but most have it
I am not doing the dac thing for the same reason i am trying to avoid two machines. More cables, power cords which combo sounds better ie endless comparing It is why I went back to integrateds.