In theory, yes, but to design, implement and incorporate digital attenuation in a statement product like the Grandioso may compromise other aspects of its performance. Esoteric has decided that it is probably better to have the analog stage in a separate box altogether. And they have also decided likewise for the K-01X.
For me, like Eli and many others, SQ is better with a separate analog preamp in the chain. Of course, this is all set-up dependent.
In theory, yes, but to design, implement and incorporate digital attenuation in a statement product like the Grandioso may compromise other aspects of its performance. Esoteric has decided that it is probably better to have the analog stage in a separate box altogether. And they have also decided likewise for the K-01X.
For me, like Eli and many others, SQ is better with a separate analog preamp in the chain. Of course, this is all set-up dependent.