oppo 105d straightup

Anybody find the your oppo playback just fine without dismantaling it for modding...changing it's character.

Listening to this thing and it sound's descent to me...Yes I know it's not the best and most expensive...I have had a lot of players and am not new to this game...Just curious to hear what other's have found?

yes I know there some that will pipe in and bestow the benefits of modding...not interested...want to hear from people that aren't on the modding bandwagon.
It's all about the level of sonics you demand. Part of it is your system, a big part is your own ear and ability to hear what's lacking. And part of it is an acceptance of what you have, even though you know there's better out there. I have an EAR Acute CD player. Like you, I think it's decent and sounds just fine. I would rather have a DCS Puccini or a Linn CD12. I just don't feel like buying them right now.
As a universal player it is great. If you want truly exceptional 2 channel, adding a nice DAC is probably cheaper and much better for resale than having a modded 105. Something like a modwright definitely is a step up but you will never get most of your "investment" back.

My 105 beats my bifrost and emotiva. I think I would be able to beat it with 2 channel for about $500-750 used. None of the mods will be able to do that for the price.

I'm happy.
Oppo 105 very good for the money- long break in and best using XLR outs for CD/SACD playback
Haven't got xlr's yet...(my modwright kwi-200 is not balanced) but will end up with them...eventually.

Right you are chayro...I know there is loads out there that's better...im just not going to spend thousands getting there anymore...those day's are done.

I know what im hearing (semi pro jazz blues guitarist) and am content and can live with whats happening for now...
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