Fanfare FT-1A Reference FM Tuner/Monitor

Any comments on the Fanfare FT-1A Reference Analog* FM Tuner/Monitor? If one is using a cable TV connector for FM reception, does it make any sense to spent money for an FM Tuner like this one (in my house, no cable, no FM reception)? This tuner offers both balanced and unbalanced connection options? Any comments on this?
I just bought the Fanfare FT-1A and I agree with all the above postings. Unbalanced output comes in Hi and Low output. I prefer the Low output. This is a truly amazing piece of art which is highly musical. I sometimes tend to prefer its sound over my $6000 CD player. Give it a try. Use their own antenna for best results. And if you don t have a dealer in your region, they offer a 30-day trial period and excellent service!
Agreed - and Marv is a wonderful guy (the Pres of Fanfare)
Use the balanced and Kimber upgrade, good cable and a good antannae and anyone will be satisfied. Although I don't prefer it over my vinyl, I listen often.
I have an FT 1A and an FT 1Aii with the usb input which I use at my NJ beach house. Everything above is true. The reception quality rivals CD. I have a full half wave roof antenna and can pickup Princeton FM here in Western Phila area. Fringe reception is excellent and the analogue circuitry gives amazing sound.
Still have my FT-1A in my home music studio rack but have not used it for many years because of moving twice. I now live in the Sacramento area and wish yo know if there are any stations around hear worth finding music to record digitally using the balanced outputs. I know this discussion is very old but maybe some posters are still around and might help me. Kind regards, Jim