TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000

I recently bought a Rogue 99/88 preamp/amp combo and Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod speakers and want to enjoy my old vinyl again. Can I get a new TT/cartridge combo that will work well with this combo for about $1000 or less ? Thanks for your recommendations.
Tommy, I gave this issue some serious thought. I also looked at the MMF-5, Rega P/3, Sumiko Projects and the Sota Comet. My final choices came down to the Sota Comet or the Technics. Musicality was only one of the many variables involved in my decision. I know the tonearm is one of its musically weak points. Service life, parts availability, reliability and 'fun to use factor' influenced my choice. The 1200 is a fun TT. Girl friendly, too! ¿Comprende?

I just got a used marble cutting board at an estate sale for $15. It is over 5/8" thick. I'll put a bicycle tube under it and my Technics will be isolated (another musically weak point). There's an audiophile from Italy that is saying his modified 1200 rivals his SME setup. Some serious words...

Right now my 1200 beats my Cambridge D300-SE CDP. I'm only using a $49.95 Grado Presige Blue...just wait till I get a MC cartridge and the tonearm damper...

if yure patient, ewe can find an older oracle w/a decent arm, that whencoupled w/a decent cartridge like an ortofon mc25-fl, will still be in the $1k ball park. and, ewe can upgrade it to latest specs as budget allows. & ewe can keep an eye out for a low-hrs used spendy cartridge. or, if ya prefer a vpi mk-iv, or a wacuum sota or a well-tempered, or ??? i tink someting like this will be yer best sonic bang-for-buck.

doug s.

sorry, psychic - no way i could drop $1k on a gnu 'table, when so-much-better sound can be had w/a used 'table. and sure, a 1200 may be cool looking & chick-friendly, but have ya seen an oracle lately? ;~)

regards, doug s.

Oh, yeah...impressive...but it's still belt drive. I love Quartz DDs...

Back to sound, I don't want anymore an endless qwest for sound quality. Just want to recreate the 'spirit of the music' in a little apartment living room. My humble JMlab Tantal 509s are looking and sounding good on top of the Lovan Ballet III stands, I'll have my Proton pre and dual mono amp serviced and later buy a high end preamp. Not bad for what I'm spending. No need to spend more, either.

If you want to get into used stuff, I bought a Proton 600T Preamp/Video Tuner, its remote and the model 690 decoder for $40 at a pawn shop! Also a mint Audio Control 520 EQ for $20. I am going to have audio and video in the same room, but as separate systems. Got to stay realistic. That deal will never happen setting up systems based on used prices is not fair. I could get an Oracle from a crackhead for $20 if I'm really patient..

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