Nice work. Those calculated values will vary slightly in reality, though probably not enough to matter. It's useful to actually see how a cartridge like a Grado or Music Maker would put you slightly below the ideal range. Obviously most of the other carts would work on the Encounter, though I guess we know which one you're starting with! I predict much musical happiness.
FYI, that ZYX compliance figure of 15 x10-6cm/dyne is for the lateral mode only. For vertical resonance the compliance is slightly lower, 12 x10-6cm/dyne, so it would resonate at a slightly higher frequency. This provides better isolation from primarily vertical vibrations like warps, footfalls, etc.
You didnt respond about the sonic degradation that one might expect with detachable arm tubes. Perhaps the loss of fidelity would be small for most people, but for those who have considerable experience, it could be a small problem with top quality, low-output MCs.
The only good arm I've heard with a non-continuous cable run is the Graham 2.2. I think the Schroeder Reference, TriPlanar and Basis Vector all better it, but since these arms differ in many other materials and design respects it's impossible to say how much the single run of wire matters. You'd have to compare identical arms with a single run and a broken one. You're welcome to listen to a TriPlanar any time you're in CT, but please don't approach it with scissors and a soldering iron! ;-)
Enjoy your new rig (I know you will). I predict your CDP will be gathering dust. Don't forget to look into record cleaning. You'll need a machine. More money. :-(