You know, technical matters are never as simple as they seem, and this certainly applies to the calculation of cartridge resonance frequency.
While I was aware of the two compliance measurements, horizontal and vertical, for a phono cartridge, I did not grasp their significance until you posted. Unfortunately, most tonearm and cartridge manufacturers only provide measurements for the "vertical" plane. ZYX, being the exception to this rule, provides both vertical and horizontal compliance figures. However, I could not find any horizontal measurements for the other cartridges listed in this thread. If I had access to this information, I would have posted it.
Is there anyway to obtain horizontal effective mass figures for tonearms and the corresponding horizontal compliance information for cartridges? And do the horizontal and vertical effective mass readings differ that much for the OL tonearms?
I am in the process of printing out the entire thread relating to the "Strange Tonearm Tweak" that you started awhile back. It looks like a good source of additional information that may prove very useful in my better understanding tonearms and their influence upon the sound.
While I am not trying to become Twl's "Mini-Me," I would also like to use the Denon DL103R as a "backup/workhorse" cartridge as Jphii, Stefanl, C123666, and yourself have recommended. But my cartridge resonance frequency calculations have indicated otherwise, unless I use the "HiFi Mod," which you should think seriously about marketing. So here are my questions:
1) Can the HiFi Mod be used on the OL Encounter?
2) By using the HiFi Mod, will the added weight affect the vertical effective mass figure, and if so, by how much? I realize much of the additional weight is positioned at the tonearm's pivot point, far from the headshell, which means the added mass should not affect the vertical effective mass readings that much. But is this assumption correct?
3) Is the HiFi Mod needed for the OL Encounter to accommodate the DL103R, or will the heavier bearing housing compensate?
4) Can adjustment of the OL Encounter's antiskating force compensate for insufficient horizontal effective mass, or will that simply increase the pressure on the inner groove wall without offering improved tacking and the transmission of musical information/dynamics that may be lost when improper lateral arm movement occurs as a result of the stiff suspension of low compliance cartridges like the DL103R? My guess is the answer is "no."