I think I have already stated what you have now just posted. Yes, the cartridge is important. I am not sure that anyone here is disputing that. But the turntable and tonearm are also important too, just as you have said.
Here is what I said 15 days ago when this tread first began:
>>It may be a little strange that I have decided to start with the cartridge, but I believe it's the cartridge that has the biggest impact upon the sound of an analog front end. That is not to say the turntable, tonearm, and phono preamp have no influence because they certainly do. But I feel the cartridge and its requirements need to be considered first, like speakers, before the rest of the analog system can be chosen. For example, the choice of cartridge influences the choice of tonearm. The tonearm needs to have the proper mass to be compatible with the compliance requirements of the cartridge. Moreover, the arm has to match the turntable and work well with it too. So all these components have to be chosen carefully and balanced in order to get the best sound possible.<<
So you see you and I are not that far a part, and in fact I think we are saying very much the same thing.