Strange Tonearm Tweak. Long

As you all know, I am a little different. I like to read and study stuff like tonearm technology. I noticed that some of the better unipivot designs have employed "outrigger" style outboard weighting systems on their arms, that work like a tightrope-walker's balance pole. This not only balances azimuth, but also gives the arm better stability to lateral deflections from the cartridge suspension, so the arm is not moved when the stylus is pushed laterally by the groove information. I began to think on this, and I wondered why no gimbal-bearing arm makers are doing this. Surely since the vertical plane rides on a vertical axis bearing, there is still some chance for the arm to be laterally deflected by the stylus, when the stylus should be doing all of the moving, not the arm. I think that this is why they use heavy arms, but a heavy arm in the vertical movement plane is not good for tracking. A heavy arm in the horizontal movement plane is good for resisting sideways deflection that would impair pickup function.

So I decided to try increasing the mass of my tonearm in the lateral plane, while keeping it light in the vertical plane, by the use of "outrigger" weights, just like a unipivot does.

I bought lead fishing weights that looked like long rifle bullets(just the lead part) They were about an inch long and about 3/8" diameter, and weighed 12 grams each. I drilled into the bases about 1/4" and press-fitted them onto the nuts that hold the arm into the bearing yoke, so they stuck out straight sideways, like sideways spikes. This put the weight out pretty far to the sides as outriggers, and kept the weight centered exactly around the bearing pivot axis so it did not increase the vertical mass significantly, but it did very slightly. It did not influence the tracking force at all.

So now the arm had outrigger stabilizers on it in the horizontal plane of motion.

I put on a record and sat down to listen. Let me tell you, fellas, this was a mind blower. I have never heard this much information come out of a cartridge before. I heard sounds on records that I had listened to for 30 years, and never knew those sounds were on the record! And I have had some pretty good analog gear in my time. And what I didn't own, I heard at the audio store I worked at. This is the most astounding mod I have ever heard on a tonearm. And it cost me $1.49 for the fishing weights, and I got 3 extras.

The only slightly negative thing about it, is that it increases the anti-skating force, so you have to cut that back a little, and if you have some marginal scratches that might skip, they are more likely to skip with this mod, due to the resistance to sideways movement provided by the outriggers. I had this happen once last night, but I didn't consider it a problem.

But the increase in dynamics, and detail and overall sound quality is astronomical. It blew me away.

I have a DL103, which is a very stiff cartridge, and it may be that this is not needed for a higher compliance cart. But, I think that it would be good for anything that is medium or lower in compliance.

The key to it, is that it only increases the resistance to sideways movement, without interfering with the effective mass of the arm, or the vertical swing movement that needs to stay light to track warps. I played some warped records with this mod, and they played just as well as without the mod, except they sounded better.

I have a pretty good analog setup now, but I can say without reservation, that this mod made my rig sound better than any analog rig that I have ever heard in my life. I have never heard a Rockport.

Stabilizing the arm against unwanted lateral deflection increases the information retrieval and dynamics by a very large percentage. If your arm is not set up like a Rega style arm, then you can glue a 1 ounce long rod across the top of the bearing housing(sideways) like a tightrope-walker's balance pole. Use lead if you can, it won't ring. You don't have to do any permanent changes to your arm that might wreck its resale value to try this out. If it has anywhere near the effect on your system as it had on mine, you won't be taking it off.

It may come close to the movement of your cueing lever, so make sure you have clearance to use it. Mine was close, and I have to come in from the side now to use the lever, at the end of a record. That is fine with me! This was a major, major improvement in the sound of my rig. It is staying permanently. As in "forever".

If you are a little tweak-oriented, and not afraid to do stuff like this. You should try it. It will knock you over.
Basement, I don't understand most of the first half of your post. The second half I find alot of agreement with.

IMO, the fluid damping is aiming at the same goal as the horizontal mass increase. If a tonearm is equipped with one, it doesn't need the other. It is 2 ways of attacking the same problem of unwanted lateral movement of the arm, being pushed by the cartridge compliance.

If this goal is accomplished by either of these methods, the cartridge coils will remain centered over the groove, where they should be. This centering effect will allow the stylus/cantilever/coil assembly to retain its "center reference" and achieve maximum dynamics and information retrieval, which is lost when the arm is moved from side-to-side by the stylus tracing action.

The arm damping of ringing frequencies is an entirely different matter altogether, but an important one. No one feature of an arm is going to solve all problems. There must be a combinations of correct aspects to the design to get the best results. And these may vary with the type of cartridge to be used.

I may have to design an entirely new tonearm to fully exploit all of these things, but I lack the resources to do that. So in the meantime, I am simply tweaking, and enjoying it.
It took me a long time to understand as well. Now I'm grappelling with mass and it's relationship with damping. If you are like me, you think about this stuff all the time, and things come to you, (obviously, look at whats come back at us).
This part I think you might be missing- you mention that all (most) your records are not off center. While there are quite a few that are obviously off center, what we are talking about here within the cantilever/coils is microscopic. All records are off center, evan if just a fraction of a groove width, they aren't manufactured to the kind of tolerences we are striving for. If you dismiss this, then you shoot for the arm staying put at the cartridge. Really, what we want (in theory) is the arm to stay put directly over the cantilever. The key to this, with fluid damping, as stated by Z above, is the viscosity. Control the resistance selectively at selective speeds (traditionally, the speed being the frequency of the warp/wow). To see it, you definitely need to get in and look at the cantilever at the cartridge to see how much it is moving in relation to the cartridge. to measure it, you definetly need test records and the like. ( I don't have these resources, maybe you do).
There is more to controlling frequencies then just keeping the coils centered, though. There are, I believe and suspect, differences and simularities between fluid damping and mass. We are not done with this yet.
Last night, I put my immedia back on to test some of this. I drained some fluid out until the arm could tilt easily to one side but come back without overshoot. Then I weighed some pennies, came up with 5 pennies on each side to be about 12 grams with electrical tape, and slung them out with a paper clip. They are about 1.75" out on each side, just below the record height, slung out at the same angle as the cartridge, and just taped on the top with a piece of electrical tape, over the center of the bearing, and they swivel front to back because of the tape. archaic, but they increase the horizontal mass considerably with minimum effect on any other parameter.
What I thought I heard was a wider soundfeild with more separation between intruments. But the induvidual instruments seemed more truncated, less air and detail around them. The high end seemed more recessed with a loss in detail. I didn't adjust damping at all between the two. I did notice more movement of the cantilever, at least I thought I did. Sounded similar to adding to much damping, and of coarse this experiment is extreme, I didn't play with it any further.
One resource I don't have lately is too much time. I am currantly getting more enjoyment in the tweak factor by hearing your results.
The immedia has damping, and it is easy to control and adjust/change, but it is also much heavier than the rega, I plan on starting another thread if you don't to see if anyone has tried fluid damping with the rega, and if any is readily available.
This is a new tonearm you are designing, isn't it? You are changing the parameters of the design. Seems to me you are somewhere roughly as far from the rb-series as the ol 750 is.
Basement - Have to say that I too, either do not understand most of your post, or may even disagree with some of it, but my uncertainty about what you have said puts me on hold from commenting specifically. But I am picking up (sorry!) that you are wondering about possibly combining Twl's hoizontal mass increase with fluid damping.

Twl maintains the two perform basically the same function, so this would be unecessary. But this makes me rethink that proposition a little more, and whereas yesterday I was inclined to think the same thing, I now have another thought occurring:

As it regards initial resistance to horizontal arm deflection at the onset of a transient, I would say yes, mass-damping and fluid-damping are probably accomplishing about the same thing. But - as is actually contained within the implication of my last post - there might be a difference extending beyond that initial event, as it concerns inertia. Fluid-damping is essentially free from interial effects. In other words, both mass-damping and fluid-damping will resist being set in motion, but once they are, the mass will tend to want to remain in motion, whereas the fluid will always tend to resist further motion. This suggests that the ideal horizontal mass for accurate transcription of the groove modulation by the stylus/cantilever would be infinitely large, but that the ideal mass for accurate tracing of the groove path (which affects coil-centering) by the cartridge/tonearm would be infinitely small.

I know - no duh! The same is actually true in the vertical plane as well (although here gravity comes into play [and is exploited] as well), and this just brings us back to restating one of the central dilemmas of designing a record playing machine in the first place.

But it does have me fantasizing about things like: A truly ultra-low mass cartridge-carrying system which depends on fluid damping in *both* planes and uses a spring arrangement or equivalent for VTF; Or, how about attempting to capitalize on cutting-edge technology to create an ultra-fast, tonearm-less sensor/processor/actuator system which 'reads' the position of the groove path and record surface height via a laser sensor just in front of the cartridge, and then uses a microprocessor controlling an utra-quick precision actautor mechanism of some sort to positively locate the cartridge body in the optimum position and attitude to enable the stylus to extact the maximum information from the groove modulation through continuous real-time adjustment, possibly incorporating processor monitoring of the cart's signal itself to constantly calculate correct coil-postioning via the electrical L-R separation and phase info? Whew, boy!

(BTW, Twl, I also didn't understand some of your comments responding to my last post, about the run-off groove and degrees and such, or their relevance to my post. Maybe my post itself wasn't clear. Then again, I am eminently unqualified to know what the hell it is I'm really talking about in relation to all this stuff, so rather than worry about incomprehensability due to runaway pedantic excess, I should probably worry about acute embarrassment due to runaway ignorance flaunting! :-)

P.S. Edit: Basement, I wrote this prior to your latest post.
Zaikesman, I used poor terminology in my last post regarding the term "run-out". In machine shop lingo, the "run-out" is the amount of eccentricity in a rotating piece, like a rod on a lathe. If there is "run-out on a LP record, that means it is rotating eccentrically(ie, off-center hole). I'll avoid that term since it confuses things with the run-out or lead out groove on the LP.

Ok, now my point was that with both fluid and mass methods, the rotational variations caused by the off center hole, happens relatively slowly over a long arc of the record. Both the fluid and mass methods can trace this movement easily, with no disastrous results. There should be no erratic movement of the stylus in the groove as a result of this. The arm still has relatively free movement in tracing slow arcs with both fluid and mass damping.

Now to move on, I think this discussion is very productive, and with a little care to make sure we are all on the same page, I'll comment on your input, and Basement's.

What you say about the mass staying in motion once it starts is very true. The amount of mass needs to be looked at real hard to make sure we don't get a swinging gate effect. That is important. On the other hand, once the fluid gives way to some movement, the paddle is also resisted from returning to center by the fluid. So this needs to be taken into account also. We have not come upon the perfect solution yet. But, we are making some headway.

I am still of the opinion that using both methods is somewhat redundant. But there may be some middle ground. Perhaps a mass increase, along with a tuned fluid damping could provide high inertial resistance, with the mass being controlled from overshoot by the fluid damping? IMO the mass provides a static increase in the resistance to movement, while the fluid requires at least some small dynamic movement and velocity, to come into play. So with both, there may be better control. Maybe we need to look into this possibility.

Regarding the sophisticated servo-operated control systems you mention, it has been my experience that mechanisms generally muck-up the works. I like to go by the simple route, if possible.

Now, Basement has done some experiments with his Immedia, and had some negative sonic results in some areas. From his description, my feelings are that the weight hung on the paperclips created a vibrating mass on the ends of the thin paperclips, and caused sonic impairments. My belief is that the shafts needed to be very rigid to preclude this problem. My weights are 3/8" solid lead shafts, and they are firmly pressed onto the bearing nuts and glued, so the mechanical connection is secure. There is no thin shaft with a heavy weight on the end. This may have led to Basement's problems. I don't know.
Basement please clarify your points, we need to know more accurately what you mean, so we can discuss intelligently with you.

About your question about the fluid damping with the Rega arms. I don't know if anyone is doing that. The Townshend Rock TT's use an unusual fluid trough that swings across the record, and damps the arm at the headshell end, all the way across the record. When you put on a LP, you have to then swing this long curved trough across the LP, and when you put the tonearm onto the record, the paddle in the headshell dips into the silicone in the long trough. Totally unique. No-one else does it this way, that I've heard of.

While you are on the web, go to the Dynavector site, and look at their description of the 505 and 507 tonearms. They have a very good technical presentation on lateral mass increases. Also, go to some unipivot sites, and read what they say about the silicone damping. Maybe we can combine these two, and get something rolling.

I think you had your weights on shafts that were too flexible. The paper clips are too thin to stabilize the weight that is hanging almost 2" out there. They allow the weight to vibrate, and cancel out some information. I did not experience anything like that in my modifications.